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  • Register your child for the upcoming school year at St. Vincent de Paul School! School tours are being offered upon request. Call the office at 253-839-3532.


  • Endowment Fund

    Donate to The Endowment and it will continue to provide funds for students in need for years to come.

    What is an endowment?

    The Endowment is a fund whose principle is never spent. Gifts to the St. Vincent de Paul School Endowment are held in perpetuity and become a permanent investment in Catholic education at St Vincent’s. The contributions are then invested, and the income earned provides a source of funds for generations of students to come.

    What is the purpose of the endowment?

    The purpose of the endowment is to provide an annual stream of funds available for tuition assistance to parish families.

    How can I give?

    The simplest way to give to the endowment is a direct gift of money, real estate, stocks, or bonds. Another method is a deferred gift through a will, trust, or life insurance policy. All donations are tax-deductible; please consult your tax or legal advisor about these and other methods to give to the Endowment.

    Please consider a contribution to the St Vincent de Paul School Endowment Fund on a monthly or annual basis. Your desire to leave a legacy for future students will give you the knowledge that your gift will provide perpetual support for Catholic education at St. Vincent’s.



  • You can purchase gift cards for businesses you go to every day through the Scrip program. This is an easy way to help earn money for the school and parish!

  • Caffe D'arte has partnered with St. Vincent de Paul School for this delicious fundraiser. Each box of coffee is $10 with 40% of all proceeds going to our general operating budget. This coffee is well-balanced, full-bodied, and supremely smooth! You get coffee at a great price and help the school!